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Samsung Cease and Desist Woes

Samsung Cease and Desist Woes

Fogstar have been fighting a behind the scenes battle for the last 4 months regarding Samsung SDI and our right to use them within the vape industry.

Whilst we were given the 'all clear' by all relevant government bodies (Trading Standards, The Office for Product Safety and Standards and Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy) - A massive success for us and our customers, we suspected that it would not end here.

Samsung have now instructed a UK law firm to pursue a commercial route in removing Samsung SDI cell's from vapers hands. Including, placing sanctions on us on how we operate, who we can sell to and how we police the sale of our Samsung SDI cells.

The message has been very clear - do not sell to anyone that you suspect will either sell or use them in the electronic cigarette industry.

Over the last 5 years, we've worked hard to ensure that we have constantly raised the standards in safety, including making genuine cells, safety information and quality packaging the core of what we do.

In my opinion, the UK is by far one of the safest countries when it comes to Lithium-Ion cells in the world. Backed by a community that is willing to educate fellow vapers and Retailers that are now more knowledgable than ever. This is something all of us at Fogstar are immensely proud of.

Whilst we make changes to the website, remember that Samsung SDI don't want us, never have and probably never will. Molicel on the other hand do - and that's a company I can get behind.

We and another leading UK compliant company continue to make investigations into the legality of what Samsung are asking.

Fogstar Ltd.